What Is Hyperbolic Stretching Pdf


Whatever workout or program you’re on, it can’t be stressed enough just how important stretching is. No matter if you are a professional athlete or a seasoned yoga teacher, stretching and warming up are vital to prevent injuries.

Stretching is also great for preventing stiffness and soreness from your post-workout. For others, stretching can relieve the pains of working on a desk job.

This is also why Alex Larsson created this program. The program can be used on its own as a gentle exercise.

This program sounds too good to true. We will therefore be reviewing it in depth. We will also examine its benefits and how it functions, as well as determine if the cost is worth it.

Do you prefer to watch a video? Don’t worry; we got you covered! Check out this video by Ysaiany Ferreira on YouTube.

But if you prefer to read, then let’s start.


Hyperbolic stretching: A quick overview What Is Hyperbolic Stretching Pdf

The Hyperbolic stretching program is a 4-week training that consists of various stretching videos. It can improve your sport performance or decrease the chance of injury.

With only 8 minutes a day, you can improve your muscle strength and flexibility.

These videos are part of the program:

  • Pike Mastery
  • Dynamic Flexibility and Stretching
  • 4 Weeks to Front Splits series
  • 4 Weeks to Side Splits series
  • Lifetime Support and Updates
  • Easy Bridge
  • Complete upper body stretching

The main goal of the program is to improve your flexibility to become more fit. It also promotes a healthier lifestyle. The program also includes everything you will need to stay healthy over the long-term.

What’s the purpose of this program?

The program is all about helping you gain strength and flexibility. Through this program, you’ll learn how to do complete splits and high kicks.

It also delves into dynamic and static stretching that you can incorporate into your workouts and routine. The program is portable and can be done anywhere you want, as there are no equipment requirements.

Although the website states that anyone can use it, they recommend it to those who are active and want to live a healthier lifestyle. Dancers, yogis, athletes, and gym buffs will be the ones who will benefit the most from this program.

The program offers a 3-second muscle contraction technique that will help you gradually improve your flexibility. Although the stretches are similar to yoga poses in nature, you don’t need to be intimated.

The program has a designated timeframe so that your daily stretches gradually increase with the levels as you go on.

Your body will be more flexible in a week if you only do it for 8 minutes each day. It’s also an excellent way to add to your warm-up before your competitions or main workout sessions. If you’re not doing this for a competition, it’s a great way to increase muscle strength and mobility.

But before you proceed, always remember to warm up and stretch before this. Also, it’s a good idea to do a cool down stretch afterward.

What Is Hyperbolic Stretching Pdf

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It is so helpful for your health!

Here are a few reasons why it’s good for your health.

It develops your range of motion.

The program includes dynamic stretching routines to improve your range of motion. Although 8 minutes might seem like a long time, the research backs it up.

Additionally, they found that an 8-minute stretching session per day is more beneficial than doing a longer one once a week.

The key to this is the number of times you do it over a long period. It is better to take a few minutes each day than do it every other day.

Also, if you find the stretches lacking in intensity, that’s because the program was built that way. Gaining your range of motion is not something you’re going to get quickly. It needs some time. You also need to build it up gradually to avoid injuries.

It helps strengthen your muscles.

There are many debates about whether stretching strengthens your muscles. However, there are different types of stretches, and each one serves a purpose.

As for hyperbolic stretching, its goal is to support your muscles so you can exercise or perform better. It targets areas that are more stretched than others.

If your primary goal is to improve muscular strength and performance at the gym then this post-workout routine will be beneficial.

It improves your flexibility.

Hyperbolic stretching can also help you gain flexibility and more mobility. Because of a sedentary lifestyle, most people have problems with their hip mobility.

There are many types of stretching that you can do to help with these problems. Moreover, it’s an excellent way to release stress after a long day at work. It can be done even when you are not working, so that you can relax.

It can help you be more balanced.

You’ll gain flexibility and balance as you go through the program. These two things always go hand in hand. You should be able to gain a better understanding of your body and its limits.

This will allow you to take better control over your movements.


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How does the program work?

Currently, there are 5 stages in the program. These are:

  • The warm-up series
  • The Split Test
  • Week 1 – Week 3: Exercises
  • Week 4: Exercises
  • Flexible maintenance

As you move through the program, the difficulty of the exercises will increase.

As we mentioned earlier, the Hyperbolic Stretching program is composed of different contents. Let’s take a look at each of those so you’ll have a better grasp of what’s in store.

Dynamic Flexibility for High Kicks

These exercises are designed to improve your flexibility in order to keep high split kicks. You also get a wider range of motion. These programs will also help you increase your kicking speed, acceleration, and range of motion.

Easy Bridge and Backbending

The Easy Bridge and Back bending workouts were programmed to support your muscles to widen your shoulder’s mobility. It’s aimed at your lower back, shoulders, and abdominal muscles. Don’t try to do this too much.

Pike Mastery and Front Bending

Complex stretches are necessary to increase flexibility in your glutes and lower back. This will also teach you why some people can do pikes but not splits.

The Complete Side Splits

Splits are often the most popular ways to gauge whether you’re flexible or not. While that may not be entirely true, there are also many different types of splits.

Side splits can open your hips and strengthen your pelvic. You can also learn a trick that will help you achieve flexibility.

The Complete Front Splits

You can strengthen your pelvic floor, hamstrings and front splits. You can also relieve stress from the lower back and improve your posture.


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Who should use this program

Before you start the program, it is important to understand who it is best suited for. People who lead active lives are recommended to use the Hyperbolic Stretching program.

Dynamic stretching is a technique that professional athletes, dancers and yogis are familiar with. This means they don’t run a greater risk of injury when following this program.

However, it’s still best to get your body warmed up before you move to the daily workload. This is especially true if you’ll be working on dynamic stretches.

Stop immediately if you feel any discomfort other than the normal pain you get from stretching. If you feel the need to minimize your risk of injury, consult immediately.

Who shouldn’t use the program?

Although the program claims anyone can use it, there are still some things you should be careful about when engaging in physical activity. With that, we advise you to consult with a physician first or a physical therapist, especially if you experience any of the following:

  • A beginner with no prior experience in stretching
  • Someone who is recovering from surgery or an injury
  • A person who has chronic pain issues

What is the cost of this?

The digital program costs $199 However, they sometimes offer deals and promos. Also, when you buy, you’ll notice that they separate the workouts for women and men. Although the approach may be different for each person, you will still receive the same program.

Both require that you incorporate 8-minute stretching at least four times per week.

Occasionally, they offer deals and promos to their customers. You can get it as low as $27, and you have a 60-day money back guarantee if it doesn’t work out.

After purchasing from their website, you’ll receive a download link to your email from Clickbank. It is possible to download the file from any device.

If you think it didn’t work for you within those 60 days, you can contact their team, and they will give you a refund.

The Final Verdict

But is it worth it?

The simple answer to that would be: yes.

It helps you be more flexible and also helps you create a daily routine. You won’t be frustrated by the program’s simplicity and speed.

You can do it anywhere, anytime. What Is Hyperbolic Stretching Pdf

The program reinforces your strength and balance by making sure your muscles are well stretched. It can also help relieve tension and reduce the risk of getting an injury when you’re doing intensive activities.

All you need to do is dedicate at least 8 minutes a day, four times a week. You don’t have to visit the gym or purchase equipment. What Is Hyperbolic Stretching Pdf

You can also relax and release stress while achieving your goals for a healthier body.


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FAQ What Is Hyperbolic Stretching Pdf

Where to buy the program?

The program is only available from the official website. If there are any offers on Amazon, it would be best to avoid those. Currently, they don’t offer third-party distributors.

This would also be the best way to avoid scams.

How long does it take to be shipped?

The program works on a digital platform. Clickbank will send you a link to download the program after you have made a purchase from their website. You should find all the manuals you need. These manuals can be accessed via your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Is the program safe for pelvic floor muscles?

The Hyperbolic stretching program is safe for your pelvic floor. It can help you build strength while allowing your muscles to relax at the same time.

This program can be used by anyone, regardless of whether they are beginners or intermediate. It can also help in reducing stress and tension in your body.


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